Hello Fellow Water dwellers!
I am looking for a 3rd crew member aboard my 42’ Manta Catamaran leaving from Isla Mujeres Mexico September 25th and heading to Rio Dulce Guatemala where I will haul out the boat. It will be myself and new friend David. We are looking forward to a lot fishing and eating fish tacos. Have your own gear? This is an unpaid crew position and we will be sharing the cost of food three ways. I will cover fuel and boat fees. You will need to be able to cover cost of getting to Mexico and Back from Guatemala. I will be happy to share everything I know about sailing and live aboard life for anyone who in interested in this lifestyle. We will take 4 hour shifts at the helm and watch at night. This trip will take between 4 to 7 days depending on if we stop and weather. Please Dm me if interested and let me know a little about yourself and why you would like to be apart of the trip. Thanks Sailing Family!

2015 Beneteau Oceanis 38 for sale in Croatia