Can I get a crash course in standing rigging? I have a ketch rig so a little more complicated but I am willing to learn how to tune it.
Had to rebuild our main mast step and had the mast removed. Since having it installed and the rigging tuned by a less than professional rigger but that’s what we had to work with, I have noticed some things that concern me.
One side seems to have more tension that the other on the main.
Back stays/Shrouds on mizzen seem really loose.
Should there be a bend in the spreaders? There is a significant downward bend (IMO) on the port side spreader and the starboard cable has less tension than the port.
I am going to need some rigging work done once we get back to Florida but I’d rather make it there safely as possible given the circumstances.

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first after stepping. center the mast tip
do this by measuring an equal distance along the gun’l from the stem head fitting just aft of each mast and marking
tighten both sides equally to the minimum measurable tension on your shroud strain gauge
then attach your strain guage to the main halyard and holding the guage to the mark tighten the halyard to max out tge guage
now go to the other side
if the gauge cannot touch, loosen the first side step by step
it tge guage touches but does not max out, tighten the first side
keep repeating until the mast tip is centered.
now sighting up the masf, adjust the lowers until the madt is straight
remeasure mast tip adjust as needed
repeat until mast is centered and straight
now tighten the uppers to their recommended setting for tge diameter of wire you are using by adding equal number of turns to eacb side
tighten lowers the same way
check centering and straightness one last time
repeat for mizzen
There is a very good YouTube video on the Maryland school of sailing site called “Sailboat Rigging Tuneup”.