We just moved onboard.
Dogs are supper anxious. ,It’s their first time onboard, (65ft house boat , 3000sft ) we are on swing mooring.
The idea was to take them to shore few times a day for toilet but they are too anxious to ever start training on the tender.
They are both big breeds (over 30kg so it’s not like I can pick them up and place in a bag each time.
Tgey are everything to us , seeing them so envious is stressing though I try to stay calm as I know they can pick on my emotions.
We are ok with letting tgem use tge now area for toilet for now, anything to make them happy.
It’s 11pm and they both still panting and will not relax (the cat is fast asleep).
Any advise (food helps for about 1min only) . I love them so much . It’s painful to think my lifestyle is causing tgem this .
Feeling 39 DI for sale in Preveza, Greece
My best advice is to be super calm yourself. The more anxious you are, the more anxious they will be. Same with loud noises. Their stress reduces when your stress reduces. Teach them in small increments, clicker training is good for this type of issue. Lots of info out there on that. Good luck to you all, I’m confident you can solve this problem and have some fun doing it.
CBD can help a lot! Crew joined us a year ago as a 2 year old. It took him about three days to start to relax and use the bathroom.