I was all set to upgrade the anchor on my 2009 Oceanis 31 to a Rocna, and with a 31.69’L and 14132# displacement I picked the 33# model. Checking the dimensions I found it’s too big for the Lewmar anchor roller bracket that’s on my boat. The anchor that is on there is substantially smaller and lighter than Rocna’s recommended model. We haven’t used it yet, but it really looks like an underpowered anchor for this boat, which is why I wanted the Rocna in the first place. Just wondering if others have had this problem when upgrading the anchor on their not so new Oceanis boats.

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The difference in weight is negligible to the displacement of your boat, even at the bow. Now if you were thinking of adding a huge amount of chain that might be worth analyzing a bit further. We went from a 45# CQR to a 55# Spade on our 20,000# 423 plus upgraded from rope rode to chain. It fit fine except that the Spade, doesn’t lie naturally on the roller so we have to add an extra line that we tie from anchor to the pulpit. This is in addition to a line on the chain back to the cockpit locker we have always had as a safety. You will be much happier with your Rocna or any similar design.