Seeking volunteer crew. We have room for 2-3 crew on our 46 ft ketch. We are looking for young/fit, motivated people to help out with a short season sailing on the Sea of Cortez. No experience necessary just enthusiasm and a willingness to work on the boat. If you want to learn about boats and the sailing life this is for you!
We are an established couple, mature and good communicators, that will be cruising the Sea of Cortez from Dec.2022 to early March 2023. Our style is to work and cruise. Hopefully more cruising than working! We are both scuba certified and plan to dive as much as possible. We’d love for you to join us on dives! There is a compressor on board and extra snorkel gear for crew. If you have your own, great!
You cover food for yourself and get yourself to San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. If you can swing some for fuel costs that would be great but not required.
We will have a questionnaire for you just so we can get to know each other quickly and make sure this is a good fit for everyone. Please DM or comment and we will contact you ASAP.

Bavaria Cruiser 34 for sale in Greece
I have a friend in La Paz that I plan to go and visit with in February of 23. However I am not as healthy as I would like to be(cancer), but I’m getting stronger every day and planning to go to La Paz on my own boat in October with the Baha Haha then on to LaPaz! Who knows, we might meet in Mexico… I hope you have clear skies and good winds