How much is my boat worth?

How much is my boat worth?

How much does it cost to buy or sell a yacht, and what does the price consist of? This is the first question people have when they want to buy the boat of their dreams. Let’s try to answer it.

There is a wide range of prices in the yacht market. And there are many reasons for this.

First of all, the cost of buying a yacht is influenced by the class and size of the vessel, as well as whether it is new or used.

The larger the yacht, the higher its cost of it will be. At the same time, the price of a sailing yacht of the same length will be less than a motor yacht.

In most cases, you will pay more for new boats than similar boats. However, the opposite situation is often encountered: the former owner improved his boat, which led to its rise in price. This must be kept in mind.

The manufacturer, that is, the shipyard, also affects the purchase price of a yacht. The most expensive ships are built at eminent European shipyards. Cheaper yachts were created in the East: China, UAE, Taiwan, etc.

Another reason for the price difference is the design and extras. In the photo of motor yachts in the catalog, there is often a huge difference in interior decoration. Someone needs a chic interior with golden taps, while someone is content with a more modest interior. The presence of a swimming pool, jacuzzi, helipad, etc., also significantly affects the cost of the yacht.

How to profitably sell a boat

The owner of the boat, when selling it, intuitively always wants to receive at least the same amount for which he purchased the boat, and even better. But in most cases, this is not possible, even despite the fact that inflation takes place and the prices of goods rise noticeably over time.

  1. Study the market.

    Before advertising a boat for sale, you should study the market for both used and new boats. Your competitors will be not only the same boat owners but also small and large shops, which can significantly drop the price, especially at the end of the season, when demand for products falls. Analyze the offer on the market for boats of your class. See what you can offer in addition to a potential buyer and compare your offer with competitors. For example, if a new similar boat does not have an awning in the kit, but you have one, then in principle, you can safely set a price comparable to a new boat. Any additional equipment increases the final price. In addition, if your model has any design features that competitors do not have, then this must be mentioned in your ad.

  2. Correct advertising.

    For the most part, when selling, shipowners resort to free means, such as newspapers with free advertisements and the Internet. In fact, the sale is a roulette, and here, you can either get lucky or not. To increase the chances of a speedy sale of the boat, place your ad in several sources at once. Pay more attention to the Internet, because. today more and more potential buyers can be found on the net, and the world wide web provides many times more opportunities than a newspaper. Be sure to take pictures of your boat in clear weather and from different angles. Show in the photos all its advantageous differences from similar boats. According to research, a text-only ad seller receives 2-3 calls per week, and a well-designed ad with photos can get more than 20 calls or letters.

  3. The real price of the boat.

    Once again, we draw your attention to the moment of finding out the real price of the boat in this particular period of time. If this is the beginning of the season, then the price can be slightly inflated because demand is usually high. The end of the season is always a recession, and prices decrease accordingly. Many, without much thought, indicate the average price between the minimum and maximum price of a similar new boat and sell it for several months or even years. Do not be greedy, set the minimum or slightly higher price of a new one and complete it with additional equipment (electric compressor, awning, echo sounder, etc.)

  4. Broker.

    Have you thought about hiring a broker to sell your boat? Yes, it’s not free and not even cheap. The approximate cost of brokerage services is 10-15% of the sale price. This cost usually includes placing ads, advertising, answering calls and messages, showing to potential buyers. I think you will be surprised that some buyers are willing to travel more than one hundred kilometers to look and feel the boat they like, the photos of which they saw on the Internet. So if you are a busy person and are not friendly with modern technologies, the broker is your choice.

  5. Cleanliness is the key to selling.

    Before photographing and showing, be sure to wash the boat thoroughly. If you are selling a boat and there are any scratches and scuffs on the hull, we recommend that you fix them. In general, conduct pre-sale preparation. A clean, sparkling boat that looks like it came out of the pages of a magazine will evoke more positive emotions and significantly increase the desire to buy it than a very good and reliable but dirty and bad-looking boat. And, of course, it must be legal, not stolen or obtained in any other illegal way, otherwise, you will not be able to avoid communicating with law enforcement agencies.

  6. Preparation, inspection.

    Conduct a complete technical inspection of your boat. This will help you identify all the hidden defects of your vessel, which you can quickly eliminate. And, of course, it will save you from the hassle before and after the sale. This is especially true for the class of motor plastic and metal boats and modern boats and yachts. After technical inspection, you will have a document confirming the quality of the goods being sold – this is an additional argument in favor of the price you set.

  7. Time.

    Everyone wants to sell as quickly as possible, to stick to one week generally, but this happens very, very rarely. As a rule, it takes from 2 months to a year from the moment of submitting an advertisement to the fact of sale. Be patient, and don’t think about it all the time. Do not set specific deadlines, and you will not end up disappointed in their failure. If you have already formed a desire to sell the boat, place an ad for sale and continue to use it, but be ready to show it to the buyer at a convenient time for him. In general, the boat, so to speak, looks and makes a better impression in a combat situation than somewhere in a dark garage or on a trailer on asphalt.

  8. Your communication skills.

    Bargain. Try to be flexible. At the end of the season, for example, you can make a discount. If you do not have a release from buyers, then you can already bargain in the direction of increasing prices.

  9. Maximum price.

    Once again, about the price. Try to figure out the maximum price of your boat. Consult on specialized forums, chat with experts. This will allow you to really understand how much you can ask for it under the most favorable conditions. And, of course, specify what payments, tax or otherwise, will need to be made during the sale so as not to get penalized by the state.

The process of buying and selling used yachts and boats, or, in other words, brokerage, is a combination of a number of technically and legally complex processes, which will be very difficult for a beginner to deal with on their own.

The comfort and safety of a yacht are directly related to its length. The service life is essential when choosing a brokerage yacht. The most optimal option is 3-4 years from the date of issue. Such vessels are usually in good technical condition with a low level of wear. The price for these yachts will be the most attractive, but, unfortunately, such offers appear quite rarely. When choosing a vessel with a “mileage” of more than 5 years, it is necessary to pay attention to the timeliness of service and the availability of a dealer warranty. This will avoid many problems associated with mismatched parts or specifications. For example, the motor resource of a yacht or boat with low-quality spare parts will be significantly lower than that declared by the manufacturer.

The history of the vessel is an important factor to pay attention to. If it does not have serious technical damage and breakdowns, then for the buyer, this transaction will be an excellent investment.

Yacht prices

What is the price of a yacht? It is generally believed that a ship costs more the larger it is. Today this is not entirely true. And a small vessel can be equipped in such a way that it will be more expensive than its larger “brother”. More expensive than others, identical in the class of yachts, is a vessel with a history that has won prizes or received diplomas.

As for specific prices for yachts, today, the cost of a relatively modest serial yacht 10-15 meters long is about 200-400 thousand euros. A vessel with a length of 15-20 meters will cost 1.0-1.3 million euros, and a yacht with a hull length of more than 20 meters will cost about 2.5-3.5 million euros. Talking about how much a yacht costs is pointless. In this case, it all depends on the wishes of the buyer. When it comes to used yachts, you can find boats of all sizes and styles among them, which usually have a significantly lower cost compared to new yachts.

The advantage is also that there is no need to wait for the completion of their construction. The disadvantage is obvious – a used yacht has some wear, sometimes insignificant, and sometimes it can make you refuse to purchase a vessel. A small day cruiser will cost 10-15 thousand euros. A used sailing yacht suitable for living costs 20,000 euros. and more, and a used yacht of decent size, for example, 40 feet, about 15 years old, costs about 50 thousand euros.

How to profitably sell a boat
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Like real estate, an important thing is Location. The Very Best prices are quite often 2-3000 miles from me , in an area of high demand, small supply, & high prices.


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