Nice boat ready to live and sail
- 220l watter tank
- 120l outdoor shower
- fridge plus freezer 12V
- whf radio Unidem
- whf radio shipmate
- dantronik ap navirator
- 6″lcd display radio
- 2x lcd tv 12v /230w)
- garmin gps echo sonar
- nnasa marine deep meter
- raymarine wind instrument
- autopilot
- dingy talamex new from last year
- outboard engine selvia 4strike 4hsp
- boat have engine yanmar 2GM 20 20hsp
- solar panel 300w
- this year boat take new color
- i have jib and storm sail and one mail sail
- plus i have holder for mast
- plus winter cover for boat
2 Comments. Leave new
I’m interested on this boat for a visit . How can I contact the owner ?